
We monitor every URL, for every Project, every minute.

What counts as downtime?

We perform a HTTP GET request to your URLs once a minute from our default London based server. If that request is responded to with a 2xx status code then everything is is good, and your URL is classed as "up".

Note: 301/302 redirects will be followed to their final destination - it is the response of that destination that matters here.

When a URL responds with a 5xx error code, then something has gone wrong. We immediately check the same URL a second time, from one of our other servers located in a different part of the world from our London server (just incase we are the problem!).

If the URL responds with a 5xx error code from both servers, then unfortunately your site is "down" and now we send you a notification based on the rules you have set up.

When a URL goes down

When a URL goes offline and we have notified you, we continue to monitor it every single minute for the same response codes listed above. When a 2xx code is received we know your site is back online, and we send you another notification to let you know. This second notification will contain the total time the URL was down for. Each URL has its own page where you can see down time logs. Any downtime will also be included in the Weekly Report email.

Check Frequency

  • Once a minute, whether the URL is up, or down

Notification Triggers

When the URL is down for both the primary server, and the secondary back up server.

Recognising our requests

We identify ourselves using the following User Agent, which you can see in your access logs.

Intermission Bot / https://useintermission.com

Depending on your server set up, you may also want to whitelist our IP addresses. They are:

  • - London πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

  • - Virginia πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

In the near future you will be able to decide which primary and secondary servers are used for to check your URLs. Keep checking back for updates!

Last updated